Vong Nguyet Beach

Place: Vong Nguyet Beach is located in Nghinh Phong Cape, Vung Tau City.
Characteristic: The beach is narrow and bordered by high cliffs. The water is transparent with continuous waves and wind.

Vong Nguyet means "Receiving the Moon". In the full moon night or sunset, the beach is blazingly bright as silver. Standing before the vast beach and hearing the sound of waves, tourists will feel ease in their soul.

The sea water here is very clear and clean. The shore is sloping and deep, suitable for adventurers. Don't noisy like Front Beach, the Vong Nguyet Beach has imprinted on Vung Tau people's mind by its picturesqueness. Especially when viewing from Giant Jesus Statute in Tao Phung mountain top, tourists will feel the sea here is bluer than others, windy and cool.